1) { $logged_in_user = $_SESSION['member_id']; $_SESSION['candownload'] = func_get_granted_rights("candownload", $logged_in_user); $query = "select * from sacco_members where member_id= $logged_in_user and member_name = '$temp_m_name'"; include("includes/get_sacco_members.php"); if ($TotalMembers != 1) { include("includes/index_redirect.php"); } $query = "select * from sacco_defaults where default_name = 'password_change_days' "; include("includes/get_defaults.php"); $password_change_days = $default_valueC[0]; if ($transdate > date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$member_password_last_changedMEM[0] + $password_change_days days"))) { if (trim($_GET['app']) != "change_own_password") { echo ''; } } } ?> onLoad="self.print()" >
logout || Change your password Login |
Active period: (change)

© , Shahi Services, provider of the only Sacco System that puts you first.

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2) { if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $app = addslashes($_GET['app']) . "M.php"; } } else { $app = "loginM.php"; } include("includes/" . $app); if (!empty($_GET['accessdenied']) == "Y") { $nmsg = $nmsg . "\\n Access denied"; } if (!empty($_GET['expiry_success']) == "Y") { $nmsg = $nmsg . "\\n Password Successfully Changed"; } include("includes/alert.php"); ?>